eCommerce Mistakes You're Probably Making & How Fix Them
Let’s face it. As an eCommerce merchant you are bound to make a few mistakes along the way. It’s only human nature and you’re not infallible. Fortunately, most mistakes in eCommerce are small, easily rectifiable ones. However, if left unfixed these minuscule, seemingly inconsequential errors can irritate customers and turn them off shopping at your store. With over half of online customers experiencing problems with their purchases within the past year, it’s important to realise you need to fix these problems. So today we are talking about those little mistakes you probably commit in your eCommerce store and how to fix them.
Little or No Product Details
One of the major downsides of shopping online is that you simple cannot see and inspect what you are about to purchase in person. Everything that a customer’s buys runs the risk of being wrong and not what they were actually looking for. Merchants, therefore should be doing everything they can to ease customers uncertainty about what they are about to buy so that they are assured that their purchase is the right one.
However, merchants often fail at giving accurate or helpful product descriptions. They simple give a few simple words that aren’t particularly helpful or reassuring at all, leading to the probability of a lack of sale or customers buying the wrong product.
How to fix it
Simply put as much information as possible in your description. Placing information such as materials, sizing, colours, and instructions for use, how to care and basically anything else that you could potentially assist your customer in deciding if this is the right product for them. This will make customers feel comforted about the product as they have a strong sense of what they are buying while it will reduce returns and customer dissatisfaction for your eCommerce store.
eCommerce Example
One of the major downsides of shopping online is that you simple cannot see and inspect what you are about to purchase in person. Everything that a customer’s buys runs the risk of being wrong and not what they were actually looking for. Merchants, therefore should be doing everything they can to ease customers uncertainty about what they are about to buy so that they are assured that their purchase is the right one.
However, merchants often fail at giving accurate or helpful product descriptions. They simple give a few simple words that aren’t particularly helpful or reassuring at all, leading to the probability of a lack of sale or customers buying the wrong product.
How to fix it
Simply put as much information as possible in your description. Placing information such as materials, sizing, colours, and instructions for use, how to care and basically anything else that you could potentially assist your customer in deciding if this is the right product for them. This will make customers feel comforted about the product as they have a strong sense of what they are buying while it will reduce returns and customer dissatisfaction for your eCommerce store.
eCommerce Example

Isaora, a men’s apparel eCommerce store have a product that focuses on both function and style. Many of their items are high-tech as well as stylish so the brand has included this information within the product descriptions.
They also include every aspect of the sizing, design, weight and so on so customers know exactly what they are buying leaving little to no opportunity for a mistake.
Bad Product Images
This is a similar issue as above as a lack of images can also deter customers buying. Just like with product details, having bad images can be a major contributor in customers feeling pensive about buying a product from your eCommerce store. Images that are not clear, only from certain angles or are unflattering can turn customers away making them look elsewhere for their shopping needs.
How to fix it
To help placate customers in regards to this issue it’s best to try and have clear, bright and multi-angle images of your products so that customers can see a true yet attractive representation of your products. This will help customers be confident of what they are buying and overcome the lack of touch when buying online.
eCommerce Example
They also include every aspect of the sizing, design, weight and so on so customers know exactly what they are buying leaving little to no opportunity for a mistake.
Bad Product Images
This is a similar issue as above as a lack of images can also deter customers buying. Just like with product details, having bad images can be a major contributor in customers feeling pensive about buying a product from your eCommerce store. Images that are not clear, only from certain angles or are unflattering can turn customers away making them look elsewhere for their shopping needs.
How to fix it
To help placate customers in regards to this issue it’s best to try and have clear, bright and multi-angle images of your products so that customers can see a true yet attractive representation of your products. This will help customers be confident of what they are buying and overcome the lack of touch when buying online.
eCommerce Example

They include over 10 images with many of their products that are both a mix of photos of the product simply being displayed but also images of their products in use. They are clear, stylish and give an amazing impression of what the product actually looks like so customers know exactly what they are getting while also being aesthetically pleasing.
Bad Customer Service
Customer service online can be seriously lacking in many stores. Often access to customer service is awkward, hidden or just not included in a website. This causes an inevitable onslaught of issues and problems for customers who desperately want access to advice and someone to talk to.
Having bad customer service that is not accessible for customers could turn them away as they see no way to get help or assurance hindering the growth of your eCommerce store.
How to fix it
Make customer service and access to it a priority for your eCommerce store. By having tabs that are easily viable displaying information about how to effectively contact you will make customers feel much more comfortable and cared for.
Also including a pop up when customers come to your store that lets them live chat with you adds immense value for customers as you can satisfy them with effective service immediately.
Customer service online can be seriously lacking in many stores. Often access to customer service is awkward, hidden or just not included in a website. This causes an inevitable onslaught of issues and problems for customers who desperately want access to advice and someone to talk to.
Having bad customer service that is not accessible for customers could turn them away as they see no way to get help or assurance hindering the growth of your eCommerce store.
How to fix it
Make customer service and access to it a priority for your eCommerce store. By having tabs that are easily viable displaying information about how to effectively contact you will make customers feel much more comfortable and cared for.
Also including a pop up when customers come to your store that lets them live chat with you adds immense value for customers as you can satisfy them with effective service immediately.

A brand that has customer service down to a tee is Sagebrush Coffee. This artisan coffee and tea brand provide efficient and easily found customer service for their customers.
They have a handy tab titled “Need Help” that displays all the contact information a customer could need. In addition they have a contact button on the side of their page that if clicked allows customers to easily type a query and get a fast reply.
Not Up-Selling/ Cross Selling
It’s a tricky job trying to draw customers to your store. However, so many merchants are short sighted and believe just getting them to their website and buying one product is the end goal. This should not be the case. Getting them to your website should be your cue to try and marketing to them more instead of being content with the single sale.
How to fix it
Placing suggested products wherever you can is the perfect way to up-sell and cross sell so that customers can see what else is on offer and add to their shopping cart. Whether it’s when they are viewing their cart to check out, at the bottom of product pages or just an email after a sale suggesting similar products, doing this is the perfect way to get your customers buying more and helping your store grow.
eCommerce Example
It’s a tricky job trying to draw customers to your store. However, so many merchants are short sighted and believe just getting them to their website and buying one product is the end goal. This should not be the case. Getting them to your website should be your cue to try and marketing to them more instead of being content with the single sale.
How to fix it
Placing suggested products wherever you can is the perfect way to up-sell and cross sell so that customers can see what else is on offer and add to their shopping cart. Whether it’s when they are viewing their cart to check out, at the bottom of product pages or just an email after a sale suggesting similar products, doing this is the perfect way to get your customers buying more and helping your store grow.
eCommerce Example

By simple showing customers similar products it makes them click more, add more to their carts and eventually add to Pop Chart Labs success.
Fixing the little mistake you make within your eCommerce store may seem like small, inconsequential tasks but they could have a major impact on your eCommerce stores success rate. By implementing these little changes you could open your eCommerce stores potential, delight customers and have colossal growth.