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Running an eCommerce Business

Make an Impact on your Product Pages in just 15 Minutes a Day

Make an Impact on your Product Pages in just 15 Minutes a Day

by John Larkin

John runs the blog here at eCommerceLift and is a verified Shopify Expert. Interested in an initial growth consultation? Click here

7 years ago

Make an Impact on your Product Pages in just 15 Minutes a Day

So you think you’ve got product pages down to a tee, huh? 

Well I’m betting that your product pages may be good but there are a few things stopping them from being great. 

But don’t worry we, here at eCommerceLift, know a good product page when we see one. We’ve decided to examine what makes a good product page and look at 7 eCommerce stores that are doing it with aplomb. 

We are going to highlight a way for you to start compounding the effectiveness of your product pages in just 15 minutes a day. 

1. Make Your Product Images Pop

Having product images that pop is the most essential part of a product page. As your products are online and cannot be touched, images is the most important way for customers to gauge whether this product is right for them. Therefore, having clear and attractive images that make customers say “Oh, I want that!” is something eCommerce stores should aspire to get right. 

Grovemade are an eCommerce store that make beautifully crafted products for technology out of wood. Their products are visually stunning and they have made the most of this through their use of pictures on their product pages. Their images are clear, expertly taken and a little different from the norm.

Let’s take a look at the product page of their Maple Watch. First, they have a clear image of the product. It’s a simple white background that displays the product with clarity. It is an enticing draw for customers as they can see exactly what the watch look like.

Additionally they have added extra images of the watch being made. They  are different yet attractively taken, making it an interesting look at the workmanship of the product. It draws customer’s attention and makes the product images a little more interesting and idiosyncratic. 

Grovemade even went the extra step by making a video that shows the story of how this watch gets made. It gives the perfect indication of what customers are buying and makes the products look visually stunning. Awesome job, Grovemade!

2. Write Compelling Copy

Images draw in customers in but copy makes them buy and so many stores have copy that’s just meh… No effort or imagination has gone into their product descriptions and it reads like a dud. However, amazing product descriptions can turn even the most indecisive customer into a cart filler. 

When writing copy about your products, be creative and make your products sound interesting and enticing so that customers get excited about what the product they are reading about. 

The tea brand Sanctuary T Shop have put effort into their copy which makes it fun and engaging to read. Each of their teas has a small, concise description that is charming yet informative making it attractive for customer wanting to buy. 

If we look at the copy for their Chocolate Honeybush Tea, it’s clear to see that their copy hits the right spot. 

Using fun yet engaging sentences such as: “Anyone who says chocolate can't be good for you obviously hasn't tried our Chocolate Honeybush tea.” 

As well as: “If drinking this tea is wrong, then you'll never want to be right.” It’s light, amusing, engaging and just grabs the attention of the reader. It is how copy should be. 
3. Give Customers Product Information

I’m always shocked by the amount of stores that don’t give me the nitty, gritty product information that I want. Information about what products are made of, what the dimensions are, where the products are made; customers want to know the specifics so that they have reassurance that they are buying the right product. Just adding a simple list of specific product information could elevate your product pages and make customers so much more informed when buying your products. 


Isaora are a men’s fashion brand that make high performance clothes that are also fashionable yet durable. To get across the fact that their products are built for both style and durability, they list the all of the product information that a customer could want in order to convince them it is the product for them. 

In-depth information such as the origin of the fabric, where it’s made, level of waterproof, and various other specifics all are on listed. It makes the brand look professional and experts in their field, while also adding extra depth to their products. 

4. Make it Easy to Share

Product Pages shouldn’t just be there to show your products to customers, it should act as a way to enable customers to market your product. To make the most of this every product page should have social media buttons that allow customers viewing the products the ability to share and get other people seeing your products. 

Akira, a women’s fashion eCommerce store have recognised the value of social media buttons on their product pages. They have incorporated all of the social media channels into their product pages that a customer could wish for. From Pinterest to Facebook, they have made sharing easy. 

Additionally, they make their share buttons obvious and attractive. Instead of having a generic social media symbol, they have designed ones that fit with aesthetic of the brands website. It makes customers want to click and share they products they are viewing and buying. It's a perfect way to get more people seeing your products. 

5. Embrace Customer Reviews

Customers like seeing customer reviews. They are a massive influencer on customers purchase decisions. In fact stores that include them on average experience an increase of 20% in sales. We’ve written a whole post about how great they are for your store. However, even though reviews have proven to be so good for eCommerce stores, so many of them don’t use them. Putting reviews on your product page helps your brand build trust and makes a customer think your product is worth buying. 


Chalkd are an eCommerce store that make fun, niche chalkboard products that are custom and can’t be found anywhere else. With such a different product, they decided to incorporate reviews into their product pages that show how well their products work for their customers. Their reviews section is stylish and allows other customers to up and down vote how helpful a review is. 

Even better is that they make it easy for customers to leave a review. It’s a simple click of a button to share your opinions about a product making it open to all pasts customers who wish to give their opinion and help another customer out. Chalkd incorporation of customer reviews is flawless as customers can easily hear opinions and pass on their own thoughts. 

6. Make room for the boring but essential info

A massive amount of customers simply do not buy due to lack of sufficient information. They want to know about returns, warranties, shipping costs and all of the boring stuff that will reassure their apprehensions. I find that on product pages this information is often a rarity with brands making no effort to help customers figure these important questions out. Although it might not be the most glamorous information, it sells products so why not include whatever information you can so customers are clear about the buying process. 

The quirky online furniture and homewares store Holy Funk has left nothing to chance in their product pages. They are aware that customers want as much information as possible about their brands policies so they give them all essential information in an easily seen place.

Underneath their product they have included all the specifics about warranties and returns so that customers are aware of what will happen.  
Additionally, they have placed availability, shipping information and postage costs beside their products also to reassure customers and keep them in the know when buying their products. 

7. You might also like… 

Finally, product pages are often treated as the finishing point for customers. Stores think that if they get customers there, then they have won. But why stop there? Customers being on a product page should be treated as a way to get an interested customer to buy more. Cross-selling and up-selling products is a must on product page as it’s an invaluable opportunity to increase the size of customer’s baskets. 
Eagle Eyed Bride

Eagle Eyed Bride are a lovely eCommerce store catering towards people looking for all things weddings. They have cleverly caught on to the idea that product pages are a perfect place to show customers more of their products and have expertly incorporated it into their pages. 

Below the product they have placed a products under the title “Similar things to love…” with images and a little product information about other things that the brand offers. It’s an ingenious way to get customers to see other products and buying more from their store. 

So, does your store’s product pages measure up? 

Getting your product page right can be a tricky process but take inspiration from these online stores and think about what your customers want. Then, go and make some product pages that will make your customers say “Yes, Please!”.

It can seem like a mammoth task to make changes when you have a lot of products. Here is one simple thing you can do to start improving your product pages no matter how many products you may have: 

At the end of each day for the next few weeks, pick the product that you sold the most of that day and spend 15 minutes trying to improve the copy, source better images or simply making a few tweaks. 

If it is the first time you looked at that page, focus on the images. If it is the second time you have to visit it (due to it being a best seller) then address the copy. Work your way down this list as you go.

Commit to this and before you know it you will have had a major impact on your top selling products. 


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