About Us

Hi, I'm John and I run the eCommerce Lift blog. I've built software for the eCommerce industry in the past and also built a hardware tech startup called Moocall. We created a tail mounted calving sensor that a cow can wear to notify the farmer when it is about to give birth; a bull mounted collar that reads ear tags on cows to know when they are in heat; and breeding management software in the middle (!). eCommerce was our primary channel for selling them. I've also run a number of other ecommerce businesses.
At EcommerceLift we specialise in growing ecommerce businesses. We offer a few different services. We offer a monthly coaching offering, which is popular. When we are in our business every day, we often get into the habit of reactionary work. Just dealing with the day to day stuff that rears its head.
It's great to have someone objectively look at your business and give unbiased feedback. It also helps businesses stay on track and achieve their long term growth goals.
We also offer advertising management services (around $10M of adspend in the past few years) and also our shake-up service which we always advise new clients to partake in. It gives us an in-depth knowledge of your business and gives you some great feedback and mid to longterm growth goals.
I hope also you enjoy our eCommerce blog. If you have any questions drop me a line!
John Larkin