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Running an eCommerce Business

7 Resolutions Merchants Should Make To Out Smart Their Competitors

7 Resolutions Merchants Should Make To Out Smart Their Competitors

by John Larkin

John runs the blog here at eCommerceLift and is a verified Shopify Expert. Interested in an initial growth consultation? Click here

10 years ago

7 Resolutions Merchants Should Make To Out Smart Their Competitors

Sometimes your eCommerce store needs a bit of a tune up and what better time to do that than the beginning of a brand new year. It’s the perfect time to plan your future moves, fix any off the kinks and just making it a better store overall.

Today we are talking about how to improve your store this year and have your most successful year to date with these handy tips.

1. Analyse your past success

We are sure that over the past year you have experienced some amazing successes with certain marketing campaigns or product sales and that is great. But we are also certain that some things might not have gone as well as expected or some products just aren’t flying out of your store as fast as others. Don’t ignore these things instead start the New Year by dropping the dead weight and analysing what is and isn’t working for you.

Look at why certain marketing campaigns flourished and others failed and analyse what you did right and did wrong. Was it actually a good fit for you or did you just do something wrong? This will allow you to see clearly what you should be concentrating on in the future and improve on errors of the past.

2. Figure out who your brand is

Some brands know exactly who they are and where they stand in the eyes of their customer. Others though struggle to find a place. The New Year should be the time for merchants to put thought into who their brand is and what their unique selling position is. 

Ask yourself how customers see you, what your competitors are doing and where you believe you are in the market. Figuring out your USP can give you a clear indication of what you should be doing with your brand, enables you to reach the right customer and drive your brand further.

3. Decide on goals

Focusing in on particular goals that you would like to achieve with your eCommerce store can be a smart move and help you measure how your store is performing throughout the year. Goals can range from trying to increase sales to growing your stores collections to opening a pop up store.

Whatever they are you should establish what they actually are so that you are working towards something. It will give you a clear path and enable you to effectively grow and measure the success of your eCommerce store. 

4. Start your marketing plan

A plan that outlines every strategic marketing move you plan on making is the perfect way to day ahead of the game in the up-coming year. Your plan should include your goals, who your audiences is, what are the appropriate marketing channels to take, the opportunities and threats and your budget for the year ahead.

Creating a well thought out marketing plan has so many advantages for your brand no matter how big or small. It keeps you on a direct path that is planned meticulously down to a tee. Your moves are calculated and measured so that you know what when and why you are doing something and you budget is accounted for so there will be no over spending or afterthought. It’s the smart thing to do and keeps you ahead of your competitor.  

5. Fix up your website

Chances are your store's website isn’t exactly up to snuff. It could use a bit of up keep and tinkering around with to make it more usable and attractive to customers. The beginning of the year is best to do this kind of work and make your website the best it can be and delivering the highest number of conversion.

Changing aspects such as making checkout simpler and more streamlined, improving product photography, adding on-site customer service, improve mobile usability and just generally improving your websites look can be a great way to improve your store and start of the year right. 

6. Plan your content

If your social media and content campaigns failed, under-performed or just weren’t what you wanted that doesn’t mean you should stop trying completely. Instead you may just need to put more effort and thought into your content planning. Establishing a content calendar for the year that complements your marketing plan and details a consistent stream of content is sure to improve your social media and content interaction, grow your followers and engagement with customers.

7. Take risks & think different!

The New Year is a great time to step outside of your comfort zone and try something a little different with your eCommerce store. Instead of continuing with the same old techniques, why not try to explore your options and look elsewhere?

This can be as small or large of a risk or change as a merchant wishes such as exploring using new a new advertising technique or developing a new product. Trying to think different and trying new things will keep your brand fresh and help you avoid being myopic and becoming irrelevant.  

With any luck and with these tips in hand your store will continue to have success and grow more than ever. If you keep trying to improve your business, aim to delight customers and deliver them the best experience then your brand should go from strength to strength.


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