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27 Outstanding eCommerce Blogs & What Each of Them Does Best

27 Outstanding eCommerce Blogs & What Each of Them Does Best

by John Larkin

John runs the blog here at eCommerceLift and is a verified Shopify Expert. Interested in an initial growth consultation? Click here

11 years ago

27 Outstanding eCommerce Blogs & What Each of Them Does Best

Blogging is one of the best ways to learn about everything eCommerce. If you need to find information about something, odds are that there is a blog online that caters towards what you want to know. However, trying to find the exact blog you want can be kind of difficult in a ocean of content.

We have trawled the internet, looking for the best blogs that cater towards merchants specific needs. Here is a list of the best eCommerce blogs and what they do best. 

Want to make better use of analytics? 
Go KISSmetrics

KISSmetrics has set itself apart from other blogs with their content about analytics so that you can make the most of your information. They also talk about other aspects of marketing in diverse ways including infographics, guides and webinars. 

Posts of Note:

Want Adwords & Keywords knowledge? 
Go WordStream 

Wordstream's blog has hundreds of posts with topics ranging from conversion rates to copywriting. Where they really flourish is in regards to Adwords and Keywords. Whether you are an Adwords newbie or a keywords wizard, this blog will probably have something of interest for you.

Posts of Note: 

Want eCommerce hacks? 
Go Shopify 

Shopify’s blog provides great content all round aimed towards eCommerce merchants. Its clear that they excel at showing merchants short cuts, problem solving tips and general eCommerce hacks to make the life of a merchant a little easier.

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Want to improve your shipping? 
Go Shipstation

Shipstation give great advice about handling your stores shipping, inventory and improving as a business. They have great case studies and customer stories that are impressive to read and helpful to eCommerce merchants.

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Want to know about customer acquisition? 
Go ReferralCandy

ReferralCandy have some great posts that are all done in punchy, easy to read lists. Some of their most interesting content talks about customer acquisition as they talk about tips and tricks to help maximise eCommerce stores customer acquisition.

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Want to be social media savvy? 
Go Buffer

Buffer know social media and they are great at sharing what they know. If you are trying to initially engage with customers on social media or trying to expand your social media reach, Buffer will tell you what you need to know.

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Want to understand your customers minds?
Go Neuromarketing 

Neuromarketing is devoted to consumer behaviour and what makes customers tick. It’s a fun blog that mixes marketing and psychology, thus delivering riveting content. Its more than just showing merchants how; its explaining why.

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Want to get ahead on Facebook? 
Go Inside Facebook

Inside Facebook talks everything Facebook. From making ads on Facebook to the new features that Facebook are launching, this blog has everything that merchants need when they are looking for information about this social media giant.

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Want to write amazing copy? 
Go Copyblogger 

CopyBlogger can help the most mediocre of writer develop into eloquent wordsmiths. They have great ebooks and engaging posts that can really help a business pump up their writing and get fans enjoying content.

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Want to drive sales? 
Go Get Elastic

Get Elastic deliver blog content that is great if you are looking for marketing tips overall. Some of their best posts involve how to get conversions and drive sales. Its intriguing and actual helpful advice for budding entrepreneurs.

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Want help with content? 
Go Moz

Moz are constantly posting content that is fun, a little quirky and generally helpful. There SEO posts are so valuable but their helpful tips on making content is the real attention grabber. With the mix of creative writing and video, their posts are inventive and interesting to read. 

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Want to become a better entrepreneur? 
Go eCommerce Fuel

eCommerce Fuel is a blog that satisfies both the big and small eCommerce retailer. The content just gives smart advice that helps store owners become better managers by giving them lessons from experienced retailers.

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Want tips to build your brand? 
Go Big Commerce 

The Big Commerce blog has a bit of everything for budding eCommerce merchants. A little bit of social media, some advice about shipping and general advice about how to grow an online store. They have great written post but also use video making it an interesting mix to help your business.

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Want a good marketing podcast? 
Go Duct Tape Marketing

Duct Tape Marketing have great written content that is really helpful for small business trying to grow but their podcast is definitely worth a listen. They talk about appealing topics that are practical and stimulating to listen to.

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Want to know what your doing wrong? 
Go Conversion XL 

Conversion XL is the blog to go to discover what you are doing wrong and how to fix it. They have numerous posts talking about what businesses should be doing and common mistakes that merchants are making. Reading their posts will definitely put you on the right path to creating a better business.

Posts of Note:

Want to learn about the eCommerce Basics? 
Go Practical eCommerce 

Practical eCommerce are the perfect blog to learn about well… practical eCommerce. Their post are simple explanations of what merchants should be doing and how to do it. They have lots of information to guide merchants and help them build a store.

Posts of Note:

Want some incredible eCommerce advice? 
Go A Better Lemonade Stand

Although A Better lemonade Stand isn’t as active as it used to be, there is still a lot of great advice here for a blossoming entrepreneur. Whether you are in the initial stages of setting up an eCommerce store or are a full-fledged merchant just looking for some advice, you are bound to find something on here. 

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Want an eCommerce story with a twist?
Go The Sparkline

The Sparkline have blog posts that are a little different from the average. They take inspiration from outside the eCommerce world as well as just putting a twist on your average eCommerce blog post. It’s an interesting read that offers something else for merchants.

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Want to know how to engage with customers? 
Go The 60 Second Marketer

The 60 Second Marketer offers some great marketing advice about getting in touch with customers and keeping them interested. They explain how to use social media to its best ability, how to use mobile, and so much other great content. It’s a great blog for helping with your marketing needs.

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Want to know everything about Inbound? 
Go Hubspot

Hubspot know Inbound marketing and are experts at blogging about it. They share insightful knowledge about all things marketing such as lead generation, social media, and blogging. It is a one stop shop for all of your Inbound marketing needs.

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Want to get content inspiration? 
Go Contently

Contently talk a lot about content and surprisingly it doesn’t get repetitive or redundant. They keep it fresh, interesting and inventive and consistently manage to inspire marketers and merchants on how to improve their content.

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Want to understand your data better?
Go The Data Point 

Who’d of thought data talk could be so interesting? Well The Data Point make it so. They talk about how businesses can use their data to build a better business and grow, while also giving great snippets of info that make it fascinating and engaging for readers.

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Want help with lead generation? 
Go Wishpond

Wishpond have lots of tips that merchants and marketers can actually put into action. Their advice is usable and actually works. If you want to know about lead gen, then it’s a great place to start.

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Want to know about building your store? 
Go eCommerce Platforms 

eCommerce Platforms is perfect for merchants just starting or looking to improve their website. it has great tips about all of the eCommerce platforms but also there are amazing posts that just help with the stress of building an online store. It will help ease the fears of any new merchant.

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Want advice from another eCommerce merchant? 
Go Bootstrapping eCommerce

Bootstrapping eCommerce has tips that you know work as they come first hand from an eCommerce merchant, Shabbir Nooruddin. His advice is clear, relatable and aimed at burgeoning eCommerce merchants

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Want a podcast that help you improve your business? 
Go eCommerce Influence

eCommerce Influence has podcast that talk about the best ways to build an eCommerce store. Listen into their interesting talks with industry experts and learn the tactics that make eCommerce store thrive.

Posts of Note:

Want great all round eCommerce marketing advice? 
Go eCommerceLift

At eCommerceLift we are continuously updating the blog with great marketing tips. From eCommerce case studies, advice on Facebook advertising and much more, this blog has great advice for eCommerce merchants both big and small.

Posts of Note:

That's only 27 covered out of the vast array of eCommerce blogs. Did we miss your favourite? Leave us a comment below if you think any other blogs are worth a read. 

1 comment

  • Very much helpful and informative post. It explains all the sides of ecommerce and also what it does best. Reading it I explored many other things related to ecommerce which were unknown to me. Really thankful for sharing it.

    annie on

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