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Double, Even Triple Your Conversions Today With These 8 Top Tips

Double, Even Triple Your Conversions Today With These 8 Top Tips

by John Larkin

John runs the blog here at eCommerceLift and is a verified Shopify Expert. Interested in an initial growth consultation? Click here

8 years ago

Double, Even Triple Your Conversions Today With These 8 Top Tips

As a store owner we’re guessing the thought that’s on constantly your mind most is “How do I increase my conversion rate?”  There are endless morsels of advice online about the best way to convince visitors to become paying customers, but the truth is there is no one magic method. Instead it’s about improving your store and mixing together different marketing techniques to find what works best for you and your customers. 

To help you find you some valuable conversion rate boosters here are 8 tips that have worked for other brands and may work for you too. 

Flash Your Social Proof

Don’t be bashful about the recognition your brand has received. Customers like it! Social proof is massive influencer online as social media, customer reviews, celebrity and blogger endorsements, etc. all have sway on a customer’s purchase decision. 

Showing it off on your website can be a real incentive for customers as they are likely to want to emulate people they admire and follow the trends of their peers. It’s simple and effective.

Grady’s Cold Brew

Grady’s Cold Brew is a coffee company that specialize in making coffee concentrate that is packed full of flavor. They have recognized the value of social proof and they use it to their advantage on their site. 

Right on their home page they have a banner that states “As Seen On” where they have placed all of the endorsements they have received from some of the top media in the U.S. Customer’s immediately spot this and think “Hey, this stuff must be good!”

Make the Action Clear

When a customer comes to your website you want them to buy. But you also want them to follow you on social media, sign-up to your newsletter and jump through a few other hoops. Although these are helping to grow your business there are some places on your website that should simple. 

On product pages, keep all of this extra stuff out and just make the single action of buying clear. Giving customers the only option of checking out makes it straightforward. Removes confusion and impacts your conversions. 
A/B Test As Much As Possible

Everything is A/B Testable. From your ads to your emails to your website so why not do it? Compare your copy, your images, your landing pages, your ads audience and any other point of contact with customers. it will give you a clear indication of what works for your customers and what actually is the most profitable design. A/B testing everything you possible can could have a real effect on your conversion rates. 
Use Product Videos

Overcoming the lack of tangibility is one of the biggest struggles online stores face. It makes customers uncertain and one of the biggest reasons why they fail to convert. Product videos are one way to bridge the gap as they can be used to show you product in action and give customers a clear indication of what they are buying. 

Having a good product video has been proven to work as it has been reported that many stores have increased their conversion rates by up to 144% by just adding product videos [Kissmetrics].

SS Brewing Technologies

SS Brewing Technologies, a home brewing store, have really embraced product videos on their product pages. They even have two on their Brew Bucket Fermenter page. Each video gives customers an insight into everything they could possible want to know about brewing. It’s an excellent persuasive tool to get customers converting. 

Build Trust

Dodgy looking sites simple don’t convert. Plain and simple. You need to build trust and a sense of security with your customer so that they feel comfortable buying from your brand. Online eCommerce stores need to go the extra mile to build trust with customers. 

Trust is built by being transparent. Have your policies in an easily seen place, include customer reviews and testimonials and provide great customer service. All of these will build a relationship, build trust and get customers buying more. 

Offer some enticing deals

Sometimes you just have to give customers a little something extra to entice them to checkout. This can range from free shipping to a coupon code to a free gift. So many stores now offer some sort of incentive because it simply works. Customers enjoy feeling like they got a deal so give it to them and they will start checking out from your store.
Shoe Me

Shoe brand, Shoe me have incorporated this tactic seamlessly into their website. They have pop up with offers and codes that lure their customers to checkout. They grab the visitor’s attention and urge customers to buy now so that they get this amazing deal. 

Facebook Retargeting

Retargeting produces conversions like no other ad type. Through Facebook Retargeting you can show visitors who have bounced from both your product page and the checkout page ads that draw them back to your store and enable them to checkout. 

Facebook retargeting has a proven record of working of eCommerce stores and get customers back and buy more from your brand. Some brands even experience up to 800% ROI from retargeting proving it’s worth every cent (FBPPC)

Monitor & analyse every little thing

The only way to truly find out what is working for you and what strategies are working for your store is to monitor and analyse your data. Keep an eye on what customers are responding well to and what’s failing and you will see what really works well for your brand. You’ll be surprised by just how effective analysing your data can be. 

Do something today!

You might be hard pushed to do all of these steps today but we suggest pick one and try it out. Whether you make a product video for your highest selling product or make a retargeting ad, it could work out for your store and deliver you a much higher conversion rate!


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