We will take 2-3 hours initially to learn as much as possible about your business. Then this package includes 1 hour per week with John working on your business (this price is for 1 month of consulting)
I will help you grow your business over time. Giving you the advise you need to hear, in order to either turn things around, or get the rocketship moving.
No long term commitment, no subscriptions. It just pays to have someone else who has done this before take a look at your business from a different perspective.
I have limited this to 2 clients per month so if this is sold out, please do get in touch.
About me:
I've been in eCom since the dawn of Shopify, initially with one of the first apps on the shopify app store; later turning more into a merchant. I have grown businesses to 100M+ turnover over 3 years from nothing. My current baby is The Black Stuff, at time of writing we are doing mid 7 figures a year, and growing rapidly.
If you want to discuss further email me: john@ecommercelift.com or drop me a message to +353868115899