How to Make Your Store Stand Out from the Crowd
With the rise of eCommerce and the increasing competition online, it has become progressively difficult for eCommerce stores to be heard. Customers feel overwhelmed by their choices and you find that you are just another store shouting to get noticed in your little corner of the internet with no one really listening.
But getting noticed doesn’t have to be a struggle. There are things that you can do as a merchant or marketer that can help you stand out from the competition and help you get noticed.
Today, we are talking about marketing strategies that can get your noticed and the eCommerce success stories that prove they work.
Go against the grain
One problem we continuously come across is eCommerce stores just doing the same old marketing techniques as their competitors and not gaining any attention. It is impossible to stand out this way, especially if you have a large number of competitors or if they are eCommerce giants, as they will be able to drown out whatever you are doing.
This is where you need to assess what your competition are doing and think differently. Ask yourself what marketing strategies they are doing and not doing and think about them in relation to your store. From this, think about how you can make your marketing different. Whether it be altering your social media so that it offers something different from the rest or incorporating a marketing strategy that your competitors don’t use but has potential for your business. It is all about being creative and thinking what else could work for me.
But getting noticed doesn’t have to be a struggle. There are things that you can do as a merchant or marketer that can help you stand out from the competition and help you get noticed.
Today, we are talking about marketing strategies that can get your noticed and the eCommerce success stories that prove they work.
Go against the grain
One problem we continuously come across is eCommerce stores just doing the same old marketing techniques as their competitors and not gaining any attention. It is impossible to stand out this way, especially if you have a large number of competitors or if they are eCommerce giants, as they will be able to drown out whatever you are doing.
This is where you need to assess what your competition are doing and think differently. Ask yourself what marketing strategies they are doing and not doing and think about them in relation to your store. From this, think about how you can make your marketing different. Whether it be altering your social media so that it offers something different from the rest or incorporating a marketing strategy that your competitors don’t use but has potential for your business. It is all about being creative and thinking what else could work for me.

Black Milk Clothing are an eCommerce store that gets a lot of attention. They are an interesting case study within the eCommerce world as they have developed a marketing strategy that set themselves apart from their competitors.
They are in a highly competitive market selling women’s fashion and to get recognized they rejected the conventional marketing techniques so many of their peers were using. Instead of traditional paid using advertising, they use their audience to organically grow their business.

Through social media such as Instagram and Facebook, fans post and share images of themselves in their apparel. These images are shared from fans to fans and are seen by thousands of people, therefore acting as invaluable promotion for the brand. It’s a simple, clever and effect way to get customers interacting and following the brand and has led to Black Milk Clothing being one of the fastest growing women’s brands online.
Have a personality
Brands that are memorable always have a personality. You think of them and you can name traits and characteristics that make them stand out in customer’s minds. From Apple being sleek, stylish and innovative to Coca Cola being friendly and fun to Mercedes being sophisticated, luxurious and wealthy, these all play a pivotal role in making brands stand out and be remembered by consumers.
Attributing personality traits to your brand may happen organically as customers may see your brand a certain way but you can also carve out traits you want. Through the style of your website, your images and copy and your advertising, you can create a personality that will draw customers in and make you memorable.
Brands that are memorable always have a personality. You think of them and you can name traits and characteristics that make them stand out in customer’s minds. From Apple being sleek, stylish and innovative to Coca Cola being friendly and fun to Mercedes being sophisticated, luxurious and wealthy, these all play a pivotal role in making brands stand out and be remembered by consumers.
Attributing personality traits to your brand may happen organically as customers may see your brand a certain way but you can also carve out traits you want. Through the style of your website, your images and copy and your advertising, you can create a personality that will draw customers in and make you memorable.

The brand Shinesty have built their business around some unusual yet surprisingly appealing traits. They sell apparel for both men and women inspired by the 80’s and what seems like a gimmick has turned into an amazingly successful business.
They have built a personality for the brand that is fun, nostalgic, patriotic and awesome. They do this by posting light-hearted pictures of models and customers wearing their clothing, writing silly yet funny copy for their products and having a brand message that encourages customers to “Stop wearing boring clothing”.

Shinesty are humorous and memorable as they have developed a brand image that customers can have fun and identify with.
Be Innovative
Innovation can come in many forms. It doesn’t have to be the creation of a whole new product or the reinvention of an industry. Instead, it can just be subtle things that could help you set yourself apart from the competition and give a reason for customers to come back to your store.
From tweaks to your product to make them different for customers to changing how you interact with customers to generally how you do business, these all could be considered innovative moves if you figure out how to differentiate from your competitors. It can be a powerful draw for customers to see that you are doing something that no other brand is offering them.
eCommerce Example: Strava
Strava are a brand that took a product that was rising in popularity and put a twist on it. They make an app that records your fitness levels and lets its users analysis their performance. Many brands offer similar products but Strava made it a little more special.
Innovation can come in many forms. It doesn’t have to be the creation of a whole new product or the reinvention of an industry. Instead, it can just be subtle things that could help you set yourself apart from the competition and give a reason for customers to come back to your store.
From tweaks to your product to make them different for customers to changing how you interact with customers to generally how you do business, these all could be considered innovative moves if you figure out how to differentiate from your competitors. It can be a powerful draw for customers to see that you are doing something that no other brand is offering them.

Strava are a brand that took a product that was rising in popularity and put a twist on it. They make an app that records your fitness levels and lets its users analysis their performance. Many brands offer similar products but Strava made it a little more special.

The brand decided to incorporate a social aspect to the app as users can share and compare their performance with friends and professional athletes making it a more interactive, community driven experience. With this simple differentiator, the brand have gone from strength to strength, with the app receiving praise from professionals and novices alike.
Customers are increasingly looking for a different experience. They are sick of the monotony and bulk mentality of many brands and instead are looking for little details that will make them feel special and make them believe they have purchased something unique.
Having aspects of your business and that are personalized or customizable draws customers to your store as they want to experience something different from the norm. Easy personal touches can be done through customer service, email and in social media interactions.
Stores can also go the extra mile by having their products customizable and individual to the customer. Whether it is a selection of color to modelling the whole product from scratch, personalization and customization is a big draw as customers are yearning for a different experience.
Customers are increasingly looking for a different experience. They are sick of the monotony and bulk mentality of many brands and instead are looking for little details that will make them feel special and make them believe they have purchased something unique.
Having aspects of your business and that are personalized or customizable draws customers to your store as they want to experience something different from the norm. Easy personal touches can be done through customer service, email and in social media interactions.
Stores can also go the extra mile by having their products customizable and individual to the customer. Whether it is a selection of color to modelling the whole product from scratch, personalization and customization is a big draw as customers are yearning for a different experience.

Cherry Walls are an eCommerce store that have become increasingly popular. They produce decals in various patterns that can be stuck on walls to decorate a room. Where the brand really excel is allowing customers to personalize their products. Colours, fonts, sizes and so on are all up for customisation and allow their customers to be creative and make something that is their own. It’s a fun and simple idea that works and makes the brand more interesting that the average.

It can be a challenge to stand out from the crowd and get your stores message heard by an audience. To have an impact you need creativity and drive so that you have a unique brand that customers want to find. Just think outside of the box and soon you will have customers hearing your message.