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6 Facts That Prove Your Customers are on Facebook

6 Facts That Prove Your Customers are on Facebook

by John Larkin

John runs the blog here at eCommerceLift and is a verified Shopify Expert. Interested in an initial growth consultation? Click here

9 years ago

6 Facts That Prove Your Customers are on Facebook

There is a common sentence that we here at PropelAd have become accustomed to hearing: “We don’t use or advertise on Facebook because our audience doesn't use it”. Well I’m sorry to correct you but this is wrong! The truth is everyone is on Facebook. From teens to grandparents, Facebook has got them all and by ignoring the platform you could be seriously hindering your store and it's potential growth. Don’t believe us? Here are 6 facts that will make you want to consider Facebook for your eCommerce store. 

Facebook is the biggest social media site

It's no surprise to hear that Facebook has a massive number of users. In fact it is the biggest social media website in the world. It now has over 1.31 billion active monthly users; these are users who have logged in over the last 30 days. Even more impressive is the number of daily active users which adds up to over 757 million on average per day with 680 million mobile users

To put this into perspective Twitter has 250 million active monthly users while Instagram has 200 million active monthly users, placing them well behind Facebook in terms to size.

Facebook has users of all ages

Facebook is a platform that everybody is on despite of age. The social media site has a young audience with 83% of 18-29 year old internet users having an account making it the most used social media by this highly savvy and sought after age group.

Although the majority are below 30, the site has a growing number of users that are older. In fact it’s fastest growing age bracket is 45-54 year olds with this group increasing by 46% within the last year. With this vast array of users, it’s clear that if using Facebook can reach whatever age bracket you want for your eCommerce store.

Facebook is used by both women & men

Compared to other social media sites, Facebook is one of the most gender neutral platforms online. Both men and women in large amounts flock to Facebook every day. Females do surpass the males in usage as 76% of females in the U.S. using the site. Males do use the site slightly less at 66% of men in the U.S. having a Facebook account but it is a relatively even amount of users within the world of social media. When likened to sites like Instagram and Pinterest that skew heavily towards women, using Facebook means that both men and women can be effectively targeted as both are large users.

Facebook users are everywhere

Facebook has grown across the world within the last 10 years and the vast array of users from every corner of the globe shows this. Stats show that over 67% of internet users in the U.S. are currently on Facebook which is a massive percentage of the country’s population. 

These figures are even larger in Europe with over 80% of people possessing an account in countries like the U.K., Germany, Denmark and Ireland. Although Asia, Africa, etc. have a smaller number in regards to users, this number is growing with many countries having over 44% of their internet using population having a Facebook account.

Users check their accounts religiously

Facebook users are very loyal to the site and return on a very regular basis. On any given day the site has 48% of its users log in to check up on their account making this a massive number of daily users. 

Astonishingly, 46% of 18-34 year olds, Facebook's biggest age bracket, check their accounts first thing then they wake up and 28% of the same group check before going to bed. This is a huge amount of time for customer engagement as no other social media site has this amount of customer loyalty and devotion.

Users spend a long time on Facebook

Facebook users spend a large amount of time on Facebook. It is a rarity that a user will simply log in and immediately leave. It’s claimed that the average time a user spends in 20 minutes on Facebook which is a relatively long time giving you plenty of time to reach them.  

Adding this time up, the average Facebook user spends up to seven hours a month on the site. This means that Facebook is the site social media user’s visit and stay in the longest compared to its counterparts, offering you valuable time to try to connect.

Although eCommerce merchants may be hesitant about using Facebook to engage with fans or advertise due to past experiences or belief that it has no purpose that is no reason to ignore this social media giant. With the sheer number and variety of users chances are your audience is on the platform so perhaps it is time to rethink your eCommerce stores position on Facebook and start using the site with aplomb.


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