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eCommerce Marketing

4 eCommerce Stores that are using You Tube to engage their Fans Effectively and Creatively

4 eCommerce Stores that are using You Tube to engage their Fans Effectively and Creatively

by John Larkin

John runs the blog here at eCommerceLift and is a verified Shopify Expert. Interested in an initial growth consultation? Click here

9 years ago

4 eCommerce Stores that are using You Tube to engage their Fans Effectively and Creatively

YouTube, the internet video giant is one of the most significant promotional tools of the 21st century. eCommerce stores are seeing massive consumer reactions to YouTube videos and are now using it as a tool to develop and grow business through different innovative promotional techniques. Here is the story of 4 eCommerce stores that are harnessing the power of YouTube and turning it into sales. 

But why YouTube?

With numerous other advertising & promotional platforms available for eCommerce, why should an eCommerce store bother with YouTube? Well, the evidence for using it is immense. 

  • YouTube is big. Really big. YouTube dominates the world of online video sites.  It receives more than double the traffic of its nearest video-sharing competitor. In fact YouTube is the third most visited website in the world. That is a lot of traffic. 
  • Currently YouTube reaches more American adults than any TV network. Millions use the website regularly with over 20% of adults using the website daily. That’s a number you can't afford to ignore. 
  • YouTube is big business for brands. The biggest branded channels on YouTube get an average of 850,000 views a month. Meaningful numbers in anyones book. 


Holstee is an eCommerce store with a simple message. It is encouraging mindful living and uses design to inspire this lifestyle. The store sells posters, cards, and other print designs with motivating messages and images on them.

The company however isn’t using YouTube to sell these print designs; instead, it is using it to sell a lifestyle. Their YouTube channel is filled with content that encourages mindfulness, healthy eating, fitness and thoughtful living. They use videos to promote 'The Holstee Manifesto'. Content such as The Holstee Manifesto: Lifecycle video which is filmed like a short movie, shows how customers can achieve their desired mindfulness lifestyle through cycling. With this video reaching over 1.4 million viewers and having 13,248 likes, it has had amazing reach and promotion for the company.

This is an ingenious way to promote the business as they are aligning themselves with a lifestyle, not just a simple product. With the promotion of creativity, health and positive intentions, consumers see positive attributes in the store and aspire to living the lifestyle being offered. 

Holstee also add to their YouTube channel with videos from staff, friends and customers about their experiences, dreams and ideologies to show the values of their company. 


It is hard to write about YouTube and eCommerce without mentioning Blendtec. Blendtec is an award winning company that builds blenders for both businesses and home use. They are pride themselves on their blender’s strength and reliability using the tagline “The thickest blends in 10 seconds or less”. But with such a great product, why not show how effective it is? Blendtec have done just that.  Using their YouTube channel, Blendtec are creating fun and quirky videos that show the power and reliability of their merchandise. Set up like a retro 70’s show, they use a presenter named Tom Dickinson to blend items that viewers suggest and it is very popular.

Videos such as blending iPhones, glow sticks, golf balls, crowbars and basically any other items suggested by viewers get millions of views. The most popular video called “Will It Blend? - iPad” has over 16 million views and 53,255 likes. 

These are clever and innovative videos that demonstrate to customers the power and reliability of the products Blendtec are selling while being engaging and fun. It leaves customers forgetting they are watching an advertisement and thinking they are just watching a fun video instead.

Shwood Sunglasses

Shwood is a company that had simple origins. Started by one artist making glasses out of wood in Portland, it has developed into a successful business selling their merchandise all over the world. The company take pride in their origins and the materials they use. Being an eCommerce store that takes so much pride in what they produce, they are now using YouTube to show customers how their merchandise is made. 

Ranging from simple videos of their origins starring the creator of the company to videos demonstrating how their products are made; Shwood are giving customers an insight into the craftsmanship and materials that go into what they make. 

One of their most popular videos is a short film starring a man who has inspired the company titled “Inspired By… SunRay Kelly”. An eccentric character, he explains his love of design, unusual houses and his use of wood and natural products. The video acts as a statement for the company as customers can see the philosophy the company follows. With over 300,000 views, it seems to be an effective way to reach customers. 


So you are an eCommerce store with a unique, innovative product but also an inspirational message behind it, but how do you promote this? GoldieBlox have used YouTube to perfectly market their pioneering business. 

GolideBlox are a business with a mission. They aim to get girls building. With a disparity between the numbers of male and females in science, math, technology and engineering careers, GolideBlox set out to change this by providing toys that encourage and stimulate young girls to develop an interest in these fields. 

Using YouTube, GoldieBlox provide video content showing girls, who they refer to as Inventors, playing and being creative with GolideBlox toys. Each girl shows their invention and how it works, demonstrating the creative fun that can be enjoyed with these toys. 

The full potential of GoldieBlox toys can be seen in a two minute video that shows three young girls bored and jaded by the traditional toys on the market, finding GoldieBlox and using their minds to construct an amazing invention, “The Princess Machine”.

The video has proven to be very popular gaining over 1.5 million views and thousands of likes. It incorporates the message of GoldieBlox perfectly while still displaying the toys that are on offer. 

YouTube can be the ideal marketing tool for an eCommerce store. Through creative use and well-made content, it is possible to add amazing value to a store. Are there any eCommerce stores that have impressed you with their videos on YouTube? Please let us know in the comments below.


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